
Resources and Quit Programs:

  • My Life, My Quit: A free and confidential service for teens (13-17) who want help quitting all forms of tobacco including smoking, vaping, or chewing. Tailored quit coaching is available via text, web chat and phone. Teens can enroll in My Life, My Quit by texting “Start My Quit” to 36072, visiting MyLifeMyQuit.com, calling 1-855-891-9989, or through provider referral.
  • The Maine QuitLink is accessible by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visiting MaineQuitLink.com. The Maine QuitLink answers your questions and offers friendly support to people thinking about quitting or ready to quit smoking, or those who want to help a friend or family member quit.
  • Teen.Smokefree.gov and Smokefree.gov are initiatives from the National Cancer Institute to help you or someone you care about quit smoking or vaping.  The websites have information and quit resources for specific audiences including teens, veterans, women and older adults.